Sunday, February 17, 2013

Water, Stitching the World Together

On one of my regular walkabouts recently, I noticed ice crystals that seemed rather picturesque....

After catching a couple different photos of the crystals, I found myself mulling over the importance of water, stitching our world together. 

Here in south central Kansas, we're well into what appears to be the third year of a serious drought, combined with much higher than "normal" temperature patterns.  Even for a prairie, we're dry.  I sure don't take water for granted like I used to.


Jason said...

Nor should any of us, but that doesn't seem to stop people. Exhibit A: fracking.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I cringe when I see anyone wasting water. So hoping the drought breaks for us soon. Those crystals are beautiful.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Hope the snow you just got helps bring your water table up a bit. It has been an interesting winter.

Gaia Gardener: said...

Janet, you've got that right! In fact, the weather is simply odd no matter what season it is these days.