Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thoughts While Weeding

What do you think about while you weed?

As relaxing and enjoyable as I find it to weed, you'd think I'd be thinking elevated, beautiful thoughts that calmed my spirit and elevated my soul.

You would be grossly wrong.  A few days ago, I found myself "listening" to  my thoughts and here's what I heard:

1)  a series of theme songs running through my head from Winnie-the-Pooh, "I'm so rumbly, in my tumbly, time for something SWEET, to eat!"  and "Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh, scrubby little tubby all stuffed with fluff!  He's Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh, willy, little silly, old bear!" and "Up, do-own, up!  Up, do-own, up!  When I up, down, and touch the ground, it puts me in the mood.  Up, down, and touch the ground, in the mood for food!  I am short, round, and I have found, speaking poundage-wise, I improve my appetite, when I exercise!"

2) more somber thoughts about our family friend who, at 55, was diagnosed recently with a very malignant form of cancer,

3) and, of course, some political angst mixed in with the more pressing comical and tragic elements.

At other times as I weed, I find myself composing gardening blog posts.  Understand, please, that the vast majority of these garden-composed posts have long since escaped my mind by the time I actually sit down in front of the computer.  Nonetheless, I go on, mentally "writing."

As I weed, sometimes I dwell on transplanting that needs to be done or on other changes to my "landscape designs".  ("Landscape designs", in my garden, is a euphemism for the "plop 'em there" design pattern that I generally follow when I bring home a carload of fantastic plants that I've just discovered at my local nursery or plant sale.)

Most importantly, I think, I talk to the creatures that I see while I'm weeding, like this recently de-tailed ground skink,

this red-faced little southern toad I disturbed, buried in the soil,

or the red-shouldered hawk that haughtily surveyed the landscape while "hidden" right above me.

All of these guys joined me in the garden recently, even though it's still early February.  They are among the living creatures with whom Greg and I share our landscape, so it seems only polite (and politic) to discuss the changes I'm making with them when I see them.

What do you think about while you weed?


  1. What a fun post! I haven't done any weeding yet this season. I will have to pay attention and let you know. ;-) Now that I think of it, though, I have thoughts similar to your list while putzing around the house.

  2. I really enjoyed your weeding thoughts because I'm right there too. Well, maybe not the rumbly in my tummy...;)

  3. Tina, the funny part is that I wasn't remotely hungry at the time - the music just squirmed its way into my head and kept playing. Oh, well, I've had worse mindworms!

  4. Sue, you're right - housework gives me similar thoughts, too, although somehow I'm more balanced and relaxed when I'm outside with my hands in the dirt. I've never been tempted to blog about housework either!

  5. prairiegirl12:59 PM

    Much to my neighbors displeasure I do not do much weeding. Mostly just containment of them.I listen to the sounds around me like the birds and insects that are buzzing around me. I also notice what the sounds of human activity has on the critters. I have to watch out for my friendly squirrel that will sneak up on me and touch my leg when I don't notice him. He knows I keep peanuts in my pocket just for him. I try keep track of all the new things showing up and the progress of the residents in the garden so I can commit them to my journal. Thinking just gets in the way :)

  6. Prairiegirl, How cool that you have a squirrel who interacts with you like that! Seriously awesome!

    I didn't weed much at all when I started gardening, thinking more about the biodiversity that I was encouraging, but I've learned through the years that many of the "weeds" aren't native and don't have natural controls keeping them contained. So I've come to feel that's my role as a gardener. I've also learned that competition for resources is a real "thing." On the other hand, if a native has seeded itself into the bed (or yard), I either try to leave it in place, or a move it somewhere else. I am seriously bad about being able to uproot and kill "good" plants.

    Sometime I hope you share what you've learned as you listen to the birds and insects around you - and how they respond to human activity. I, too, certainly listen to the animals while I weed. In fact, that may be a large part of why I find weeding to be so relaxing.
