Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Where is Your Wild?"

A meme on Facebook this morning showed a backpacker overlooking a beautiful vista of mountains while standing alone in an alpine meadow.  The caption read, "Where is your wild?"

Well, here is MY wild!

Our front tallgrass....

a patch of smooth milkweed in our yard....

one of the front gardens, needing some "manicuring," when we got back from vacation this summer...

and the draw, with the path into the back, last winter.

All of MY favorite "wild" is within the 10 acres that we live on.

All of us can nurture the wild locally in our cities and neighborhoods and yards.  We don't have to drive halfway across the country to some national park to experience "the wild";  we just have to cherish and value "the wild" that occurs right under our noses.

Where is YOUR wild?


  1. Yes, we can! I sure enjoy my little bit of wild, but when I get a chance, I like to go to nearby prairies that have trails to walk on. I haven't been making it to them much, though.

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You are so very right! I was incredibly moved by Doug Tallamy's idea of a homegrown national park in which we all cultivate "wild" in our backyards! My "wild" is in my garden and it becomes more wild each year. I like to sit way in back (which really isn't all that far, but feels it), still in my chair, and wait for the garden's magic ... the dragonflies, the hummingbird, the catbird, the bats ... and I love to sit there barefoot feeling the earth beneath my soles (soul).

  3. Very nice. Great pictures of all your wild areas.

  4. Beautiful! My wild is here on the farm. We're both lucky to be able to walk out the door into our own wilderness. :)
