Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sad, but Tough, "Old" Bird

It's amazing how many mutations I've noticed over the last couple years.  I found the latest one this morning, in a small flock of red-winged blackbirds that was feeding out in the back yard.  I noticed a male that seemed to be carrying a long straw or something, so I got my binoculars out to take a closer look....

It wasn't a straw, it was the poor guy's beak.

To eat, he turns his head sideways and picks up the seeds with the side of his beak/mouth, since otherwise his beak gets in the way.

He was strong enough to get in brief flurries with another bird or two, but I have to wonder how long he'll survive.  I'm amazed he's made it this long...and this far!


  1. He's probably never known another way so he just does what he does. You did good to pick him out and get the photos.

  2. Kind of amazing he reached maturity.

  3. I guess he has learned to compensate for his handicap. I hope he'll live a long bird life.

  4. How terribly sad! I suppose since he has made it this far he may have a good chance. Good eye that you have to notice him!

  5. Nice capture. Kinda sad.

  6. How sad, he doesn't have much of chance ... or does he? Nature is interesting.

  7. That's pretty amazing that he's still alive. Maybe in a few hundred years they'll all have these beaks? Right. We need your snow! Still 12-16" below normal snow, on top of another 12" rain from last year!
