Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Dread Beetle Japanese

(Okay, all you local folks can quit hyperventilating - the following photos and observations were taken in the Chicago area in early August.)

I remember Japanese beetles from my childhood in Maryland:  colorful little insects that were fun to collect in jars while they ate plants and flowers to shreds.  I really haven't had to deal with them personally since then.

Earlier this summer, though, a couple Japanese beetles were turned in to the Sedgwick County Extension Office and, not much later, a fellow Kansas garden blogger from the Manhattan area wrote about seeing them locally at a nursery.  It would appear that they are knocking on our door.

So a week ago, when we visited our good friends, Flip and Shelley, in the Chicago area, I was both intrigued and somewhat horrified by the plethora of Japanese beetles in their garden.  I don't remember seeing them when we've visited before.

Here, in no particular order, are my thoughts and observations as I explored the garden during our visit....

Japanese beetles are smaller than I remember.  My memory paints them as about the same size as June bugs, but they are actually about half that size.  The beetles are, however, just as pretty as I remember them.

Japanese beetles LOVE roses, both the blossoms (especially the blossoms) and the leaves.  A single Japanese beetle can wreak havoc on a rose bloom in a very short period of time.

Based on their name, Japanese beetles would appear to be from Japan. Many roses are from that area of the world too.  I wonder what keeps them under control in their native range?

There were many plants that the Japanese beetles did not appear to consider edible in Shelley's garden:  clematis vines, Russian sage, Oriental lilies, Echinacea, and Joe Pye weed, for example, were all left alone.  On the other hand, the Japanese beetles seemed to relish roses (as mentioned), wisteria leaves, grape vine leaves, hollyhocks, and even elm leaves.

The Japanese beetles were horny little things.  Mating pairs were everywhere.  No wonder they expand their range so rapidly!  The photo above shows typical damage on a brand new rose shoot.

I was able to decrease the numbers of Japanese beetles in Flip & Shelley's garden a bit by using my favorite "soapy water in a jar" method of termination, but the beetles (especially when the day was warm) were excellent at evading capture, both by dropping to the ground and by flying away.  Many even combined the two escape routes:  they fell halfway to the ground and then opened their wings and flew away.

The beetles tended to feed in groups and must have released some sort of pheromone when disturbed, because snagging one individual would cause a mass exodus of almost all nearby beetles, even if I captured the one without jostling any nearby leaves.  At best my efforts allowed a few sprays of roses to bloom long enough that we could have cut them off for display in a vase.   I was also able to get a couple photos.

Despite the beetles' gorging on petals, the blooms appeared to set seed (hollyhocks) or develop hips (roses) as normal.  There were grapes developing on some of the grape vines too.  So it would appear that the beetles may function as pollinators - or, at any rate, don't negatively effect fertilization - when they eat the petals into oblivion.

That said, Japanese beetles cannot be said to improve the beauty of a garden.  They leave stubs of petals on blossoms, skeletonize the leaves and generally just create a mess of their favorite food plants.

I sure hope they decide that central Kansas isn't welcoming territory and stay the heck away.  The last thing that gardeners around here need is one more horde to attack!


  1. We had a mild infestation of JBs earlier in the summer. I did the soapy water thing, and I like to think that my garden has a healthy population of beneficials. At this point in the summer they are no longer around.

  2. The nightmare just keeps coming back.

  3. They do create havoc with their munching down on all our pretties. Luckily we don't have them too bad out here....though in town, yes.

  4. We do not want those boogers here. But it's probably inevitable, especially with stressed plants and traveling with nursery stock.

  5. Don't they know it's too hot for them here. Please stay away.

    What a pretty blue on the bird in your last post.

    As for collecting things...one of our nieces recently told my husband we have a library in our office! She's 8. Too cute.

  6. One more thing. .always one more thing!! Right now, after being tired of the excess heat, severe lack of rain, Johnson grass among the veggies (which I was sure I had fixed this year) moles under my good trees and shrubs, and now black trunks and ants on my new crabapple trees. .The pests are JUST about to take all the excitement out of gardening!!! Wondering what is REALLY in store for us!!

  7. We have almost the same look of beetles but larger, i think we call them Maybeetles. They come after the first rains. Who knows maybe the Japanese had them when they come over to colonize us! But in that first photo with the pink background the photos are lovely, not the beeteles!

  8. They invade my garden every year. I have 55 rose bushes so needless to say they have a feast. It is too much for me to remove them and dump them in soapy water so I just leave them. The roses bounce back in late summer and are no worse for wear. What I really need are some chickens but alas the HOA won't allow them. I hope they don't find their way to your garden.

  9. Yikes, they are eating machines! Being in NC, there are lots of Japanese beetles. Thankfully they don't really invade my garden very much, maybe since I don't have many roses. (Of course I will say this, and next week a whole extended family of beetles will probably move in.)

  10. The dreaded pest is on its way. From the pictures I've seen, I thought they were 2 X size of june bugs.
    If blavkspot wasn't enough with its weekly spraying to make you surrender, the Japanese beetle can be your excused.

  11. They're on there way........maybe next year. If weekly spraying hasn't been enough to sour you on roses, then cut your losses now and plant roses as an annual thriller in pots. probably cheaper than your spraying $$$$
