Monday, January 09, 2012

The Garden of Eden?

At the risk of sounding horribly sacrilegious, has anyone else ever wondered if "The Garden of Eden" isn't Earth itself?  And if our banishment from "The Garden" didn't come about when we started considering ourselves so smart and special that we became convinced we were smarter than nature, better than any other species on Earth, able to design "better" than nature, and therefore we began to consider ourselves free to destroy and desecrate our planetary home for the feeblest of excuses?

Hubris.  "Pride goeth before a fall."  I think our tendency to think ourselves god-like gets us in major trouble in so many ways.


  1. God designed people to be "smarter" than everything else on the earth. .we were directed to be the masters of all the fishes in the sea and the birds in the air. .Genesis 1 26-28 tells us so. I think that in people's anxiousness to make their lives easier. .we have created a problem too big to easily fix. Of course, there is some obvious lack of stewardship on the part of many people. .but much of it, I believe, started innocently! When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree. .God was pretty clear about telling them that "they" (translated to "us" as their offspring) would have to toil very hard to feed themselves. .and that their lives would no longer be easy! Now there are so many people that are in their lives for themselves. .and plainly don't care enough to make the changes needed! That being said. .from the beginning of time, the Good Lord knew the outcome of His world. .He remains in control. .and He is just waiting for His time. .He will certainly make people account for their actions. .and while that is very frustrating to the ones with a conscious. .or those doing the right thing. .we can do what we can to live correctly, as we are taught through His word. .and make sure that we are being good stewards! Some days that is a frustrating challenge. .but it is the way it is! Thanks for the thought provoking topic!

  2. Melanie, we may be "smarter" than any other creatures on Earth, but I'm not sure that we have a concomitant level of wisdom. Certainly not as a species, or we'd be wiser with the resources that we have been provided.

  3. I'm amazed more people aren't concerned about us messing with God's recipe for this earth. God didn't build the boxes we congregate in, he built the world. I wish everyone tried to make the world as nice as they make their churches, temples, etc.

  4. Sherlock, I agree completely. Nature is "how God made it" - and when we "improve" it, we're basically saying we can redo nature better than God made it. Which, to me, is the ultimate in "being too big for our britches."

  5. I should rephrase. .those that seek God's will. .DO have that wisdom. .however. .not many people actively SEEK that wisdom. The bible tells us that those who SEEK His wisdom will have it. The gate is narrow and few will ever find, He says. .that leaves the majority to never look, never find, or never care!! Another example of how one bad apple spoils the entire basket!! That goes back to GonSS's amazement that more people don't care. .that's the bottom line I think. .they DON'T care. A problem that is both frustrating and frightening to the ones that DO care! I've been listening to a series done by James MacDonald on the book of Revelation. .the teaching he does makes it pretty clear that God is watching our human madness quietly, waiting for His time. .and then those irresponsible and blatantly abusive ones will have to make an account for their actions. .Justice will one day can be counted on. Have a great day!!
