Friday, June 25, 2010

Snakes Alive!

Sweat dripping off my brow (and lots of other anatomical parts), I tackled the mulching this morning. Beginning with the remains of the big pile of leaves that Prairiewolf had chopped for me last week, I trundled barrowload after barrowload to the garden bed I had cleared of crabgrass on Wednesday.

I was beginning to dig out the last section of leaves, the area closest to the snow fence that surrounds them so the Kansas winds don't distribute them before we do, when I felt something muscular moving as I removed a big double handful of chopped leaves. Looking down, I saw that I had uncovered a pretty good sized snake, buried within the leaf pile.

Assuming that I had uncovered a female in the process of laying eggs, I immediately covered her back up with leaves and moved to the other side of the pile, leaving about a quarter of the pile in place. Hopefully she forgave me my intrusion and continued her business. I'd dearly love to have more snakes helping to control my burgeoning vole population!

I would have loved to have more leaves to use (since I certainly have more bed surface to cover), but snake babies are much more important, so I switched to digging out the pile of wood chips we'd collected early last spring from the local yard waste dump site. I was on about my 4th load when I noticed several white ovals mixed in with the decomposing wood chips I'd just shoveled into the wheelbarrow - snake eggs! Amazingly, all 12 seemed undamaged, so I carefully put them back into the wood pile and reburied them, marking the section so that we wouldn't dig them up again.

The eggs were about 2" long and 1" in diameter, leathery, very white, and felt incredibly alive even though I couldn't feel any movement within them. They looked a lot like the 4 we found last year in a bag of decomposing leaves. I had placed those in a terrarium full of the leaves they had been in and waited several months until they hatched in September. They turned out to be ratsnakes which I released into the garden. (The photo below shows one of the young ratsnakes as it moved away from the block of leaves that had been its nursery in the terrarium.)

Having tried to appropriately take care of the living treasure that I'd uncovered, I turned back to shoveling. Amazingly, the very next shovelful of mulch I loaded contained more snake eggs - each egg about half the size of those in the first clutch and with a rougher, but still white and leathery, shell. This time I hadn't been as lucky in my scooping, having destroyed one egg with the shovel, but the other 6 were undamaged. Again I reburied them.

With several flower beds still needing coverage, I went back to loading mulch. Carefully. I actually changed from digging in with the shovel to hand digging out the mulch, but I didn't find any more eggs.

Now I'm trying to decide whether to leave the eggs where I placed them, or to put them in separate terrariums so that I can monitor their hatching, like I did last summer. I'd especially love to know which species laid the smaller eggs.

Whatever I choose to do, the good news is that all poisonous snakes in Kansas bear their young alive, an important fact that I learned as I researched the parent species' possibilities. By default, any snake eggs I find are from nonvenomous species. Let the snake egg incubation begin!


  1. Wow! I have never found snake eggs. That is amazing. And, you found soooo many. Keep us posted.

  2. How interesting and exciting! It's very good to know about the eggs vs. live babies. I would imagine the same holds true for Colorado.

  3. I am all for healthy soil, but it's a good thing those eggs are in your garden and not mine or they would be...uh...leaving soon! I wonder, has anyone ever tried scrambled snake eggs?

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Earlier this year we saw a little green snake. Knowing they are non poisonous makes investigating them fun.

  5. Last year was my first year to ever find snake eggs...and I wasn't quite sure what they were until I'd hatched them out.

    I love having snakes in the yard as long as they're nonvenomous. I figure that the more nonpoisonous ones I "host", the less likelihood there is that a poisonous one will take up residence.

    Kitt, my research shows that the vipers and pit vipers, which include the rattlesnakes, cottonmouth and copperhead, all bear their young alive. Around here, that basically completely covers the poisonous possibilities. I'm not sure about the Denver area, but I'd think it's not too much different.

    LLF, I think you're in the Wichita area too. Tell you what, if you find snake eggs in your yard, let me know and I'll come get them! With 10 acres, much of it in prairie grass, I'm a big fan of snakes to keep the rodent populations under control.
