Sunday, June 29, 2008

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things....

As I went out to empty my coffee grounds this morning (a daily ritual, fertilizing the blueberries or the roses), several small things brought a smile to my face and contentment to my heart. I thought I'd share them....

After pouring the coffee grounds and water onto the waiting bush, I plucked a couple midnight blue berries, lightly frosted with white, and popped them into my mouth, enjoying the mellow explosion of rich flavor.

In the trees by the draw, I heard the throaty drumroll of the yellow-billed cuckoo's call.

Nearby, the mourning doves "hoo-hooed" velvetly and a cardinal "whitted" sweetly but insistently.

The breeze softly swept over my skin, lifting my hair slightly and coolly touching my cheeks.

As I knelt to nip a few small basil flower buds, I inhaled the tangy pungency with delight and noticed the early morning sunlight shining off the bright leaves with pleasure.

Gently righting a few tomato cages that had blown slightly akilter overnight, I brushed against the tomato leaves and felt their roughly cushioned texture while smelling their tart and potent fragrance.

As I left the vegetable garden area, I noticed a ripe strawberry peeking out from underneath the leaves along the edge of the bed. Picking it, I popped it into my mouth, finishing my morning foray with its bright sweetness on my tongue.

It's getting harder and harder to want to venture away from home, when I have so much pleasure right here around me daily.


  1. Lovely!

    If it were me, I would also be spotting some weeds that need pulling, and two hours later I would still be there in my PJs and bedhead with a bucket full.

  2. I did that a couple days ago, so I'm "in the clear" for just a bit!

  3. Your milkweed & insect photos are wonderful; I've gone back to them several times now.

    I like the fragrance but I'm beginning to regret having left a milkweed in the kitchen garden now that I realize what vigorous root systems they have.

    I'm going to look more closely at the milkweed out at the state park where I hike. I know there's tuberosa but there are big differences in the colors of what I thought was all syraca.
