Friday, August 22, 2008

The RangeMan Cometh

We've got a new family member!
His name is Ranger (based on the character from Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series), he's about 4 months old and, like most young things, he vacillates wildly between being a little sweetheart and a holy terror.

We got Ranger from the animal shelter on the last Sunday of July. They had been having Cat Liberation Weekends, trying desperately to find new homes for the large influx of cats and kittens they'd received over the summer. Prairiewolf and I decided that it was finally time to give T.J., our 4 1/2 year old feline, a companion. The only kittens left Saturday afternoon weren't available to see until Sunday, since they'd just been spayed or neutered, so we went back that next day. Before we left on Saturday, though, I'd noted one friendly, young, black male still under surgical quarantine...and, sure enough, he was the one who chose us the next day.

I've been nervous about adding another cat, since cats can be unpleasantly territorial towards others of their own species, but Ranger has fit right in. There are even times when I think he's a little TOO bold and when he, the 4 pound kitten, starts attacking Becker's, the 115 pound German shepherd's, ear! The dogs, however, have been quite indulgent, and T.J. seems to be bemusedly alternating between watching this new little squirt's activity and wrestling wholeheartedly with him.

Last week Ranger learned that he could jump straight up into the air, and he spent several days practicing this skill. That morphed into jumping up onto our legs while we're standing up, using all 20 claws to hold on. Or jumping as high as he can onto the window screens and holding on there for dear life. A battle with the blinds led to $75 worth of damage...but we're giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming the blinds were deficient.
Next he realized that he could reach the kitchen counter, and we are currently battling over whether that's my territory or his. I've had to deploy that dreaded weapon, the squirt bottle. Sad to say, though that makes him scram now when he sees it, he's quite happy to check out the countertop again in just a minute or two.

Life's certainly not dull around here right now!

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