Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Little Bit

It feels like a "little bit" time right now.

We've got a new "little bit" in the family: say howdy to Strider, our new English setter. He's 7 weeks old and doing amazingly well with such difficult issues as being away from his litter and learning about collars and leashes and kennels. With his dark, soulful eyes, I suggested that we name him Rudolph Valentino, but Prairiewolf didn't feel that the name sent the right image. I don't know - it seems to me like Valentino was quite the least of women!

It's also "little bit" gardening time. That's what I've decided to name the style of gardening (especially weeding) I've developed where I'm not really in the mood, but I go outside and say, "Oh, I'll just do a little bit. Then I can quit." Two hours later I look up and my "little bit" has morphed into an area many times what my original goal was. Last night's "little bit" was under a lilac bush by our deck. By the time I was done, I'd weeded all of the grass out of the entire corner, which was much more than the 1' x 2' area that I'd set myself to accomplish originally.

I can carry the "little bit" philosophy into the house remodeling too. We're moving forward a little bit at a time: yesterday the furnace was finally repaired. The day before most of our new carpet was installed. Today we hope to get the purple martin house up. And this weekend we hope to have the wall between the kitchen and the den reconfigured. Then we can have the rest of the carpet installed. And then, finally, we'll be able to have the household goods delivered. A little bit at a time....

Spring's continuing to come a "little bit" at a time too. We saw bluebirds in the front yard last week, so we put up a bluebird house last weekend, started playing a bluebird song tape, and I'm seeing a pair of bluebirds almost daily now.

This morning I saw a killdeer flying over the yard. And the lilac buds are swelling and showing green.

A little bit at a time. All things will come, a little bit at a time.

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