Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Ephemeral - A Year in Review

[I've never done this before, but the word intrigued me, so I'm giving it a try. Garden Walk, Garden Talk has a Word 4 Wednesday in Photos challenge, and the word this week is "ephemeral." I came across the challenge in Gardens Eye View on Monday. Here goes....]

Ephemeral. Fleeting. Impermanent. Passing. Transitory. A Year in Review....

A dragonfly lived here....

A cottonwood leaf returned to the soil that nourished its growth....

Movement patterns were momentarily mapped in the water....

Blooms rapidly changed to seed (false boneset)....

For a brief moment, the sideoats grama blooms gleamed....

A baby (leaf miner) grew, highlighted in graphic form....

Golden blooms burst forth for a night and part of a day (on Missouri evening primrose)....

A yellow jacket comb melted back into the grassland it came from....

Frost created hieroglyphics on a wooden step one morning....

Birds left traces of their passage in the snow....

Winter sunlight, through lace, shone bravely on the wall....

How swiftly the year passed - ephemeral moments leaving long-lasting memories for the future.


  1. Nice. You have some beautiful images. My favorite is the bird tracks in the snow.

  2. Some great ephemeral images captured there, I love the leaf skeleton and the patterns on the water.

  3. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Thank you so much for joining. I loved your cations and the way you looked at what most would consider bad or sad, (like the leaf miner and dragonfly death) and found beauty in it for your images. You did a post that is what I was thinking for the next W4W word. I was going to pick a word representative of textures. Your post has so many interesting textures. I really like the algae patterning. Thanks for a great post.

  4. Thanks, folks. I had a lot of fun trying to figure out which images to use. It was a great challenge.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

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  6. These are lovely images to illustrate the word, ephemeral. I particularly like the design from frost one morning. Beautiful!

  7. What a wonderful photo essay about the short lived fleeting moments in the garden...

  8. aloha

    beautiful captures and imagery you have captured of the theme, thanks for sharing
